Saturday, September 12, 2009

dealt a bad hand

All of this drama I've been harping on, it's finally over. I think. It festered up to tremendous proportions and finally exploded. Not on me mind you, onto the person I've been arguing with. It's bizarre that when I finally let go, it finished playing out and taught it's lesson.

I guess I learned a little from this. People have to learn their own lessons. Even grown men. You can't tell anyone what's best. I guess you can say it, get it off your chest and move on. But, they have to figure it out the hard way. I really wish I didn't have to go through the pain or sorrow, but it was necessary. There were emotions that hadn't been dealt with, and I will always protect my child even if I have to fight someone I've always loved.

It's unfair that life has to be so hard for some people. You could say that they bring it on themselves, or they got dealt a bad hand. I don't know. Maybe both. After all that I went through with this you might think that I would want to gloat. Believe it or not, NO. I'm just happy it's over, glad my little girl didn't get involved, hope the lesson was learned, and wish it didn't cause him so much pain and sorrow.

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