Thursday, September 17, 2009

going to the liquor store at 11:30 am , How do you make a rainbow?

I've had a fairly interesting week so far, and I thought I might share a bit with you.

On Monday my hubby and I started our new diet/exercise plan together. This is a big step because my hubby has gotten quite a bit....lazy. It's not as bad as it sounds but since he was diagnosed with Crohn's last year he has gained a lot of weight with steroids and veggies don't agree with him so he's been starching it up and so on. The worst part was I was pretty sure that he gave up. I am fat have always been fat and most likely will always be fat. But I am constantly making healthy efforts, exercising and dieting. If I "gave up" I would quickly be 350 lbs or more, to see him kinda give up frightened me. Not because of the weight, I really don't care about that. Because of the health factors, and if you give up on yourself, what's next?

For a few weeks now, I've made an effort to dress nice,and do my hair and make-up everyday. This is not the usual me, but I'm hoping it will be because when I think I look better, I feel better and I am more aware of what I am doing to myself (with food and all). On Monday I went shopping (Wal-mart) in a pretty red and white dress and was actually hit on in the store! (It made my day) He lost all interest when his eyes made contact with my wedding ring. Oh well, it was nice to be hit on!

On Tuesday I did a lot of filing in my office and completed a lot of paperwork. While going through my in-box stack I found over $300 in checks I had forgotten about. Score! You know that feeling when you find $20 bucks in your jeans, well this was 10x better! Next I went out to run some errands and went by the liquor store. I was feeling kinda bad for going to the liquor store at 11:30 am (I wasn't drinking, just getting a beverage for that night)then, I saw that the sports bar down the street was packed and I didn't feel so bad anymore! Tuesday night we took the kids to their dance class. On the way home the little one had a case of diarrhea of the mouth and we couldn't get her to shush! Questions she asked in a 5 min time frame-
1.) What is diarrhea?
2.) Can you still shave under your arms if there's no hair?
3.) How do you make a rainbow?
So even though I had a headache, I couldn't help but smile and laugh at her!

On Wednesday I ran some more errands and had lunch with my hubby. On the way home we listened to Outkast and danced around in the car. Of the songs we listened to were "Where are my panties?" which is not really a song and "Hey Ya" which is still stuck in my head! That night I went to work in a great mood. I am only there to be around my staff more to break the ice between them and to teach them a little more. It was really weird because I was in a great, joking and playing kind of mood and they really didn't want me there. They hate me. (I keep thinking of that FRIENDS episode when Chandler realizes he can't be friends with his staff because he's the boss.) I'm gonna keep trying!

And today I had lunch with my ex-husband. It it SO nice to see him smiling again. Pretty much all of the crap between us is over and we both came out with a little better understanding of the other. He's still here, downstairs watching TV with our little girl. They look so happy cuddled up together! We'll keep at it, and it will get better and better!

That's all so far this week! I have a lot more planned. I'll let you know how it goes!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

dealt a bad hand

All of this drama I've been harping on, it's finally over. I think. It festered up to tremendous proportions and finally exploded. Not on me mind you, onto the person I've been arguing with. It's bizarre that when I finally let go, it finished playing out and taught it's lesson.

I guess I learned a little from this. People have to learn their own lessons. Even grown men. You can't tell anyone what's best. I guess you can say it, get it off your chest and move on. But, they have to figure it out the hard way. I really wish I didn't have to go through the pain or sorrow, but it was necessary. There were emotions that hadn't been dealt with, and I will always protect my child even if I have to fight someone I've always loved.

It's unfair that life has to be so hard for some people. You could say that they bring it on themselves, or they got dealt a bad hand. I don't know. Maybe both. After all that I went through with this you might think that I would want to gloat. Believe it or not, NO. I'm just happy it's over, glad my little girl didn't get involved, hope the lesson was learned, and wish it didn't cause him so much pain and sorrow.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

all is right with the world today.

I'm having a great day. The best in about a month. (Since my anniversary.) I've come to terms with the drama that's been bothering me. I've decided to let it go, to not let anyone drag me down with them, to live life happily, and to stay firm but true to my standards of life. Without the drama. Just like with my kids, or my staff, with everything else and everyone else in my life I'm just gonna tell it the way it is and move on. I will not listen to excuses or reasons, they are not important. Do what you're supposed to, how you're supposed to, and there will be no problems. This way of thinking came to me last night, and I am very much at peace with it. Like all is right with the world today. Just like with my staff and kids, I have my reasons (usually the right reasons) for wanting things a certain way. I no longer care to explain them, I no longer care to hear why anyone else agrees or disagrees. If you don't agree with me, move on. Life is too short for all of the problems, and I haven't done this emotional roller coaster in a long time. I refuse to do it anymore. My life is good, if yours is f***** up, I hope you will try to fix it. All of you know that if I can help, I will. I just refuse to let anyone f*** up my life, or my family's. Rock on.

Friday, September 4, 2009

blame God and everyone else

Here's positive for you, people suck. In general most people suck. Think of all of the people you have come in contact with in your life. Now think of the ones you love and surround yourself with. Drastic drop in numbers, huh? That's because people suck. Especially men. They really, really suck! Most men are over grown babies who think the world is against them, when actually they are against the world. If you can't follow the right path and do what is right, it is not everyone else's fault, it's yours. But no. Most men will blame God and everyone else, blinded to the fact it's them. WTF.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little bit of Jose, Lots and lots of sex

Again, this week has been weird and kinda busy. Still sweeping away the drama, but little specs are sticking around. Maybe I need a professional cleaner.

Just a quick run through of the week.

* Went to jail
* Got scared and canceled a MRI
* Thought my oldest kid had the swine flu
* My 5 year old kissed a boy, and now has been dumped by said boy
* Little bit of Jose, Lots and lots of sex

OK, I threw the lots and lots of sex in for effect. Just some sex.

Also, I didn't really go to jail. Apparently there is a new type of scam going around. The other day the general manager of my store got a phone call stating that I was in the Jefferson County jail, drunk, got into a fight, had a wreck, and got a DUI. (It all boils down to they were trying to get him to wire money.) The nice thing that came out of all of this is that I now know my GM will stop everything he's doing and come fetch me out of jail without telling my staff or my husband what's up. What was really weird is that this person knew I was fighting with my ex, and used it as part of the scam, when only a handful of people know this. (OR, maybe fighting with an ex is just a good standard when you're dealing with chicks?)

My Doctor ordered an MRI to check out a knot that has been in my arm for 5 years. It's no big deal, the scan is just to make defiantly for sure that it is no big deal. Well, I'm a little strange about a lot of things and the idea of being closed in that MRI machine scares the hell out of me. I asked to be scheduled at one of those open MRI places and maybe that's even scarier. They put me in this chair and then scooted it back about 6 feet, then this man used a pillow to hold my arm still, then used two bars to "make a table" (these bars had me locked in) then put my arm in this round thing, then started coming at me with more pillows and straps for the round thing. At that point I felt trapped and the idea of sitting there for 20-25min was as bad as being in a haunted house. So I made him get me out and rescheduled. He said there were other ways to do it, but I was too nerve racked to even try. (And this was all in about 5 mins time!) So I'm going to give it another shot and if there is not a way that is not so restricting I think I'll have to go with a true MRI. I know, pansy, right?

Over the weekend my oldest kid was feeling a bit puny and then on Sunday started running a fever and complained of hurting all over ****flu...swine..flu****Well, we really weren't that freaked out about it. We actually thought if our whole family was going to end up with flu that this was the best time of the year for it. I took her to the doctor yesterday and the poor kid, along with many other kids, had to wear a surgical mask the whole time we were there. It turned out to just be a viral infection with a sinus infection. She is still home from school today and seems fine. She WILL be going to school tomorrow!

On Friday my husband picked up the little one and informed me that she got in trouble for kissing a boy at school. (He was giggling, and kept using the phrase "your daughter") Yeah, well maybe she takes after mom a little on that one. She has been talking about this boy for a while. Why? Because he has a Mohawk. She's going after the bad boys. Yay. Well, yesterday she informed me that he told her she wasn't his girlfriend anymore. She kept saying "yes I am". Oh, dear. She says today she is going to "DUMP" him. Sorry honey, I think he already dumped you. My oldest kid didn't do any of this shit. This is all new to me. And she's five. 5! WTF.

And I am bad. I've been craving Jose and cigarettes. Since I really hate myself after smoking I've been ignoring that craving and gave in to a little bit of Jose last night. I really mean a little. You can't tie one on then get your kid up and out to school!

On other things that have been on my mind I am now at some sort of crossroads. I don't know what I should do, or what I want to do, or what's the best thing to do, and I apparently never knew the truth about what was being done. My heart wants to go left, my mind wants to go right, I don't want to go back, and am unsure about going forward. I guess I'll stand here a while.