Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just Shut Up And Listen!!!

Well here is another thing I never thought I would be doing. Blogging. Always thought it was a waste of time. It turns out I have a lot to say and not many people around to listen. I used to be quite the social butterfly; but the more responsibilities adulthood throws at me, the more of a hermit I have become. Don't feel sorry for me! I have a ton of friends and am about as happy as a person can possibly be. I just think my head is going to explode if the thoughts don't get out!

And when I do get a night out with friends it seems that all I do is bitch and complain. I REALLY need to work on this! Negativity weighs me down. You see I actually have a pretty charmed life. NO ONE I know has it as easy as me. Yet spend half of an hour with me, and you would never of guessed it. I can do whatever I want whenever I want to. I can have (within reason) whatever I want. I don't really have to answer to anyone, people have to answer to me. Rough life isn't it. I have found lately that I downplay how great my life is because I don't want to seem like I am bragging. So many people I know are having a pretty tough time right now and I feel guilty. But I don't take it for granted. I know it could all come crashing down at anytime. My husband and I worked very hard to get to where we are and we should feel proud. I am proud. No matter what some people may think it didn't just fall into my lap. And I too had a pretty tough life before.

Also when I get out with anyone, I seem to try to solve the world's problems. Most of the time someone can not even complete a sentence without me butting in, putting in my two cents. I don't know if it a mom thing, a boss thing, or what. I actually think I am trying to be helpful. Not until recently did I realize how annoying that was. See, lately a lot of people (mostly women in my life) have been getting under my skin with unasked for advise. About my kids, my husband, my dogs, my house, my business. To hear them speak it is as if they always have a better way, know more, or are better than me. Mostly this comes about when I am just talking in general. I am just venting, or making conversation. Not asking for them to solve my problems. Then I realized.... OH MY GOD!! I DO THAT!! They are not trying to seem better than me or be "know it alls". They are just trying to be helpful. But it's not helpful! It just makes things more complicated. So, if anytime in the future YOU are with ME and I start that crap with YOU, Then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me to "JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!!!"